“46So continuing daily with one accord in the
temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with
gladness and simplicity of heart, 47praising God and having favor
with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were
being saved.” (Acts 2:46-47 NKJV).
A people’s first response to the infilling of the Holy
Spirit is usually indicative of what God wants to become their habit in the
long run. The reason I believe this to be so is because such responses are
often as a result of the impartation by the Spirit of God rather than being as
a result of the rational analysis of the people involved. The Holy Spirit has
prompted me to do some things that I could not have done if I were to
rationally decide on such actions. This statement should not be understood to
mean that the Holy Spirit and reason are always incompatible. It rather means
that He can sometimes lead us in ways that would never resonate with our
reasons. Examples of such occasions abound in the Scriptures. Paul and Silas
worshipped God with loud praise in the prison after being severely beaten and
inhumanly treated. That could not have come out of a rational analysis of their
experience. Their response was obviously as a result of the prompting of the
Spirit of God.
What the Holy Spirit led the early disciples to do
immediately after being filled with the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost demands
our deepest reflection. Those are meant to be the normative experience of the
church in all history. First, we are told that they instituted daily meetings
in the temple –“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple.” They had
church service every day! I am sure that some of us will cringe at the thought
of having church service every day, but that was what they did. There are denominations and congregations that
still do that even today. They met daily in the temple with one accord means
that everybody endeavoured to be present and that, with joy and gladness of
heart. Should we not follow their
example and institute early morning daily meeting with God?
They created an effective home cell fellowship system –“breaking
bread from house to house.” By God’s
special design, the basic unit of every living system is the cell. The growth
of the cells imply the growth of the organism. The Body of Christ, which is the
church, is such a living system. Hence our Lord said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in
the midst of them.” We have to find ways to keep our home cell fellowships in
our church. Members should take personal pride and satisfaction in hosting a
cell fellowship in their homes and work hard to see that it grows. Before any
of us thought of getting married and raising a home, God prophetically declared
that our homes should be revival cells. A home cell is a family or a group of
families who meet weekly to share the word of God and pray for mutual
edification of those involved and also to serve as a bridge through which
people in their neighbourhood could come to Christ, and get involved in the
church. I feel the need for us to fill our city with home cell fellowships
which God can use as His kingdom outposts.
As a response to the move of the Holy Spirit in their
lives, the believers who were impacted by the Pentecost outpouring cultivated a
culture of generosity among them –“they ate their food with gladness and
simplicity of heart.” According to the New Living Translation, they
“shared their meals with great joy and generosity.” Members joyfully shared
their food with others. In that way, they made sure that nobody starved in
their midst. This helped them to curb the tendency towards gluttony and
increased the food reserve in their food bank. You must not let yams rut in
your house and garri grow mould when there are so many in the church that could
benefit from what you don’t need. Bring every food stuff and other household
items you don’t need to the CWL Pantry. They could mean a lifeline for so many.
Such generous attitude will generate much praise and thanksgiving to God.
The Spirit-filled believers modelled a lifestyle of praise
and worship –“praising God and having favour with all the people.” They were happy with and in their God, and as
a result the rest of the people were happy with them. They were constantly
creating sweet melodies of praise everywhere they found themselves and soon
people began to want to associate with them. Nothing is more attractive than
happy believers. “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”
Nobody would like to join a congregation of grumpy and joyless people. We must
learn to rejoice in our God so He can add people to us daily. There is still
alleluia-joy in the Presence of God. A lifestyle of praise foists the Presence
of God in the atmosphere. May the joy of the Lord be our strength in Jesus
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