“Then those who gladly received his word
were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. 42And
they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43Then fear
came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles”
(Acts 2:41-43 NKJV).
One of the obvious and outstanding miracles subsequent to
the out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost day was the immediacy that
attended the formation of the believers into a community. Getting three
thousand people to begin to zealously attend to the apostles’ doctrine, to
fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayers was nothing short of a
miraculous intervention of God. The Holy Spirit had worked in their hearts both
to will and to do according to His pleasure. I believe that their example
should guide us in determining what should be the appropriate response to the
powerful ways the Holy Spirit ministered to us during the Holy Ghost Power
Explosion. What can we learn from them?
After the first Pentecost,
the believers were said to have gladly received the word of God. They carefully
attended to the preaching and teaching of the word of God and were determined
to apply the principles they learned in their lives. They were not merely
hearers of the word but doers of it also. They were enthralled with the
revelation of the word of God concerning the adequacy of the sacrifice of
Christ for their eternal redemption. The gospel was indeed to them the power of
God unto salvation. They embraced the word and became beneficiaries of the
salvation it promised. They boldly presented themselves for baptism, making
public confession of their commitment to their new found Lord and Saviour. It
is obvious that the baptism they had encompassed water baptism and the baptism
with the Holy Spirit. They were fired by the Holy Spirit to stir up their
spiritual gifts for witnessing life.
Having tasted the sweetness
of the word of God, they hungered for more. Hence, “they continued in the apostles’ doctrines.” They were unrelenting in their commitment to
the mysteries of the Christian faith as expounded by the apostles. They were
all regular and punctual in their attendance to the apostles’ scheduled
teachings and their extempore exhortations during the course of their daily
routines. They did not only embrace the word of God but also the God the word
spoke to them about. Their lives
therefore became a living commentary to the scripture –“The people who know their God shall be strong, and shall carry out great
exploits” (Daniel 11:32 NKJV). They were strong indeed for God.
The believers also “continued in fellowship.” They met together often and learned to
be comfortable in the company of one another. They intentionally pursued being
together and enjoyed cooperating with one another in many practical ways that
were mutually benefiting. Togetherness, friendliness and community were highly
rated values among them. They sought for ways to encourage one another to
remain focused on the ideals of Christ and in pleasing God at whatever personal
cost. Their love for one another was practical and sacrificial. They provoked
one another unto love.
apostles quickly taught the new believers the mystery of the Lord’s Supper
which they received with joy and consuming passion. It became to them a practical means of
refocusing on the person of Christ and on the redemption He purchased for all
people through His sacrifice on the Cross. The Lord had exhorted them to break
bread in the remembrance of Him –“For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the
Lord’s death till He comes.” This practice helped them to keep their eyes on the Cross –the fulcrum
of their faith. They set their minds on heavenly realities.
was the life wire of the early believers. They prayed for the continued
outpouring of God’s grace in their lives to keep strong in faith and for the
effectiveness of their witnessing. Through prayer, they were brought daily into
life transforming and empowering encounters with the living Christ, which
experience they desperately needed to overcome the storms of the enemy. They
prayed in support of the apostles and for the blessing of their enemies. They
prayed for the kingdom of God to come and for His will to be done on earth as
it is in heaven. The power that followed their lives and ministries was an evident
proof that God answered their prayers.
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